Renowned for his extreme generosity, the Athenian nobleman Timon has fallen prey to flatterers and false friends, on whom he showers lavish gifts and...
Timon of Athens
Fathom Events and BY Experience bring the Stratford Festival’s critically acclaimed performance of King Lear to cinemas for a memorable...
King Lear
In Shakespeare’s great drama of loss and reconciliation, a long-deposed ruler uses magical arts to bring within her power the enemies who...
The Tempest
A scholarly king and his three companions swear off the society of women for three years, only to have a diplomatic visit from a French princess and...
Love's Labour's Lost
A ghostly visitor with a shocking secret, a daughter devastated by loss, a deadly duel – and the most famous question in all of drama. Just...
This scintillating production of Shakespeare’s boisterous comedy will stir your emotions even as it challenges you with its pointed social...
The Taming of the Shrew
Pursuing two respectably married women at the same time, a would-be seducer fails to anticipate that his targets will, quite literally, compare...
The Merry Wives of Windsor
In British-occupied Nigeria, a Yoruba king, the Alafin, has died, and it is the duty of his horseman, Elesin, to accompany him into the afterlife....
Death and the King's Horseman
Beatrice and Benedick, two quick-witted and sarcastic individuals are happily single, but their friends believe they would make a great romantic...
Much Ado About Nothing