An adaptation of the successful stage musical based on Victor Hugo's classic novel set in 19th-century France. Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for...
Les Misérables
Jilted by a fickle former pupil Rachel sometime ago, school teacher Nick had yearned someday she would return to him as predicted in the Tarot Cards...
The Reaper
Having become obsessed with her, a man kidnaps a night club stripper.
Lipstick and Blood
In order to avenge the murder of an old friend, a recently suspended female police officer goes undercover at an illegal gambling den where the...
Private Call
In 1964, a new phenomenon exploded on to the dingy British streets. It was the essence of all that was cool. It was Mod. Mods stuck two fingers up at...
All Or Nothing: The Mod Musical
The pupils of the Dora Jackson School of Dancing compete in the 1960 Classical Dance Festival in Scarborough. Fifties rock 'n' roll meets classical...
Happy Feet