In his first collaboration with renowned screenwriter and longtime partner Cesare Zavattini, Vittorio De Sica examines the cataclysmic consequences...
The Children Are Watching Us
Alberto Menichetti lives with an aunt and an old housekeeper, Clotilde; he has a job in a firm and his boss is Mrs. De Ritis, a widow whose husband...
A Hero of Our Times
The film portrays the comic adventures of a group of summertime travellers. Produced at the height of the fascist era, Treno popolare was nonetheless...
Tourist Train
Piccolo alpino
La maestrina
La luce del mondo
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an...
1000 km per minute!
In Milan, an unwed mother, forced to flee from her town because of the scandal, meets a doctor who falls in love with her and marries her. But the...
È caduta una donna
A married woman hits a pedestrian with her car who requests that she must perform a particular punishment as a penance.
30 Seconds of Love