A silent-horror-film, 'Cruel' follows an axe murderer killing people one-by-one, in front of a young girl as a twisted form of vengeance. A parallel...
Lisa is a struggling business woman working late one evening. It just happens to be the night a man seeks revenge on the lawyer who withheld evidence...
Maggie and Eric are busy parents of teenagers who embark on a trip to the home of Maggie’s widowed brother to celebrate Christmas. Everyone has...
A Christmas... Present
When a single mother brings her young boy to church for healing, this lonely pentecostal minister is forced to confront the seemingly incurable...
Free In Deed
A hybrid of documentary and fiction, Rukus is a queer coming-of-age story set in the liminal spaces of furry conventions, southern punk houses, and...
Despite being successful in their careers, two 30-something BFFs never stop hearing that they both need a man before it's too late. When a handsome...
Christmas Belles
A group of college kids must decide what price they will pay to gain their freedom after being kidnapped by a ruthless White Slave trader.
Live Animals
With help from her childhood crush and his six-year-old son, Abbey rediscovers her Christmas spirit as she recreates her grandmother's handmade...
Rebuilding a Dream Christmas
Who Will You Be When the World Ends? - When it is announced that the world will end in 7 years, a young woman must decide what is truly important to...
The Last Earth Girl
Tessa finds herself struggling with her complicated relationship with Hardin; she faces a dilemma that could change their lives forever.
After We Collided