A graduating high schooler navigates a world of seemingly inevitable chaos by finding order in the number 7.
nothing, except everything.
A man revisits the previous significant girlfriends in his life in order to win over the girl of his dreams.
Lucky 13
THE DRY SPELL chronicles 48 hours in the life of a guy who can't get laid at the tail end of a 2-year-long dry spell.
The Dry Spell
Set in the year 2029 after a decade long pandemic kills over four billion people worldwide, SARS-29 is a fictional documentary that explores how the...
While away at college, Autumn becomes associated with a Coven of witches. After being visited by her dead grandmother from the spirit world, Autumn...
The Coven
A college student suffering from memory loss discovers that he is on the verge of a major, scientific breakthrough, but he soon finds out that the...