The plight of U.S. Army deserters from Vietnam on the run in Japan, centering on the culture clash between the troubled Americans and the Japanese...
Summer Soldiers
A 2007 documentary examining the collaboration between Teshigahara and novelist Kobo Abe, featuring interviews with film scholars Donald Richie and...
Teshigahara and Abe
A documentary about the character created for a series of Japanese films starring Shintaro Katsu. There are behind-the-scenes interviews on the set...
The Blind Swordsman
An hour long documentary looking at the life of the Kato family, Japanese farmers living in Miyazaki city, Miyagi prefecture
The Japanese Part 3: Farm Song
An hour long documentary looking at the life of the Sugiura family, fish merchants and caterers living in Tokyo.
The Japanese Part 1: Full Moon Lunch