A girl, Selinda, runs into her parents' bedroom in the middle of the night, claiming that a strange man just climbed through her window. The event...
In a lush Swedish summer idyll, a family is selling its summer cottage. Something has happened, something terrible that shatters the family,...
Summer's End
Alan, a teacher from Iranian Kurdistan, having been exposed to have taught Kurdish kids their mother tongue - a major crime punished by death in Iran...
Several dead bodies have been found in Gothenburg striking fear into the city's population. We follow Goran Lidman who will head the task of tracing...
The Beck group, with Alex Beijer as new group manager, is given a case where a 12-year-old girl found her mother dead below the stairs at home. Is it...
Beck 37 - Without Intent
It's Christmas time. A sober alcoholic tries after six years to meet his son, but the first desperate attemp only results in reluctance and rejection.
Football Player at Midnight
15-year-old Ida lives with her mother in Rossö in the Strömstad archipelago. Over the course of three stormy days, her life is turned...
Hold Me Tight
An unknown man appears at a funeral. In front of the mourners, he gives a final greeting to the deceased.
The Last Word