In "Harrie Babba," we see Harrie Vermeulen once again in a contemporary absurd comedy of Jon van Eerd's New Genre. In "Harrie Babba," Harrie...
Harrie Babba
In "Harrie Takes Off," police officers Harrie Vermeulen and his nephew Barrie Vermeulen are tasked with busting an illegal brothel. But it's not that...
Harrie Takes Off
Harrie Vermeulen lives with his successful yet naive son. The arrogant secretary of his son wants him gone and tries to match him with an older lady....
Like Father, Like Son
Harrie Vermeulen is back in "HERRIE IN DE KEUKEN"! In this new comedy by Jon van Eerd, hats, mustaches, and wigs fly across the stage. Six actors...
Noise in the kitchen
When popular college kid Max sees his finals at risk, he calls in the help of his long lost and nerdy friend Ruben. Together with the comedic help of...