Mutilation Massacre centers around the mystery behind a tortured girl in the woods. As the story unfolds in gory detail, we begin to understand just...
Mutilation Massacre
A string of grisly murders brings law enforcement to their knees as two cops try to take down this serial killer who may be one of their own...or is...
Torture the Flesh
On Christmas Eve a troubled man escapes from his stress into a forest. He comes across 4 pine cones. They each reveal a Christmas terror which...
I Slay On Christmas
As everyone begins dying around her, Tanya must uncover the terrifying secrets hidden within the woods of Brimstone.
Brimstone Creek Rd
Chicago psychiatrist Judd Stevens is suspected of murdering one of his patients when the man turns up stabbed to death in the middle of the city....
The Naked Face
American horror short from 1970.
Longtime friends Ronny and Nick are partners in an auto-design firm. They are hard at work on a presentation for a dream project that would really...
The Dilemma
Riley, a cryptozoology fanatic, and her Sister Rebecca want to increase the popularity of their conspiracy channel. They decide to hire a local...
Panteon Woods
Candie is a bisexual who has a perfect setup with multiple partners until everyone starts dying around her.
Candie's Harem
Rick and Virginia Sims have a simple, spiritual life together when they are given the gift of an unexpected pregnancy. Blessings can be deadly. When...
Cellar Secret
After crossing a rival real estate entrepreneur, a man gets trapped in a Port-A-Potty by his widow.
A Very Tight Place
As an epidemic of a lethal airborne virus - that kills within days - rapidly grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control...
Years after the death of her father, college student Fiona Stephens and her friends struggle to escape the grasp of a masked psychopath, hellbent on...
Who Was Phone?
Jacker and Gloria return to unveil the origins of Jacker's nature.
Jacker 3: Road to Hell
Cheevies Film Productions brings you Christmas Revenge which is written by Nina Trader and Derek Braasch. It stars A.J. Laird, Justin Bower and Nina...
Christmas Revenge