The legendary life of José Teixeira da Silva, José do Telhado, married to his cousin Aninhas, defeated his father's resistance, due to...
José do Telhado
The struggle between two friends: one, symbolizes the deepest incredulity about religion; the other, priest Manuel, endures insults with stoic...
A Luz vem do Alto
O Milionário
A rock star-turned-bum, his vocal chords severed at the height of his career for the love of a woman, drunkenly roams the city, torn apart by...
Street of No Return
A broke Count awaits for a bot that never comes.
O Paquete
The great fadista, Amelia Rodrigues, made her screen debut in Capas Negras, which took its name from the black capes worn by the students in the...
Black Cloaks