The film tells the story of Sylvia, a French teacher at an all-girl school, who wants to find love. When she hears Bill Williams on the radio, she...
Going Hollywood
The Radio Rogues, salesman for a cure-all tonic called Nervoto, decide to go to Hollywood and cure invalids with mirth, melody and music instead of...
Do Your Stuff
As co-owners of a hotel, three young men decide upon a gimmick to drum up business--they do impressions of movie stars.
Star Gazing
Determined to break into Hollywood and become movie stars, three young men crash a movie set and proceed to disrupt a temperamental director's big...
Yoo Yoo Hollywood
Basically this is a commercial for Hollywood's Lido Lounge and for MGM contract players. The Lido is a large watering hole; we visit one afternoon...
Starlit Days at the Lido
A young singer hopes to become a success on Broadway.
Blossoms On Broadway
Three young girls working in an agency have build a singing trio. They want to "lease" the Dictaphone of their boss to make a record of their...
Every Night at Eight
Beverly Ross, the switchboard operator at a local radio station, jumps at the chance to be the DJ for an early morning show before the soldiers at a...
Reveille with Beverly