This lyrical comedy story takes place in two hot days in the small South Bohemian village. On the shore of a small pond, summer guests and local...
August Sunday
Okurkový hrdina
Fati Farari, a black man from Africa, is completing his studies in classical piano at the Music Academy of Prague. It's the day before his first solo...
Fugue on the Black Keys
Captain Martin from the police's child department and his colleague Kraus are called to Znojmo to help solve a case regarding stolen toys found in...
Martin and Nine Fools
In the 1950s, Ludvik Jahn was expelled from the Communist Party and the University by his fellow students, because of a politically incorrect note he...
The Joke
When a man stops at a motel one evening in 1961, his tormenting behavior drives one of the people present at the motel to remember his experiences in...
The Night Guest
The Dynamite Watcher