ISLANDS explores a cinematic journey of two astronauts. As they enter Earth’s atmosphere the structure transforms. The spacecraft becomes the...
Bekikang is left and abandoned with a baby boy by friend, Fortunato. He loves and raises the child as his own flesh and blood. When things are going...
Bekikang: Ang Nanay Kong Beki
Caretakers for a kidnapped child, couple Rod ad Lucy decide to run away with the child to be raised as their own rather than let it be killed after...
The Babysitters
A father who works abroad as an OFW ends up secretly playing a superhero role in a Japanese TV show.
Blue Bustamante
An Indian raised in the Philippines falls in love with a Filipina on business in Mumbai. She leaves unexpectedly, and he travels back to the...
Mumbai Love
The once illustrious Lopez-Aranda family has faded. Celia, once the darling of Philippine opera, and Gaspar, a distinguished ex-congressman, lacked...