Luka, a young man from the settlement area, grew up surrounded by unhealthy elements such as drug addiction, prostitution and gangsterism. Despite...
Teacher Suman is adamant in not allowing his daughter Kamariah to follow in his footsteps as the field did not bring him blessings.
Memoir Seorang Guru
Badang is a legendary figure with extreme strength that is well-known in Malaysian folklore. The movie focuses on the character but highlighting him...
"KL Gangster" tells the tale of two brothers who get involved in the world of gangsterism. The older brother Malek (Aaron Aziz) was imprisoned for...
KL Gangster
"Ngangkung" tells the story of a lorry driver Azim who lives a moderate lifestyle with his wife Suri and his daughter. Tasnim and Wan are Azim's...
ZOO is a fantasy comedy film that tells the story of a man named Lan who has a passion for animals. His attitude is 'crazy ' is destructive to...
Fadli is a member of the NTSF who wants to take revenge on the ESLM (extra sensory liberation movement) which is believed to be the cause of his...