A series of hilarious, weird, and gross tales that will bring you laughs and chills. A group of friends share scary stories that all happened to...
Shingles the Movie
A modern-day fairy tale, The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro is a story of how a group of high school Latin American History class students learn to...
The Haunting of Prince Dom Pedro
Haunted by the painful reminder of her infertility and questionable diagnosis, a woman is lured into a world of shrouded conspiracies and nefarious...
Godless Children
Holly absolutely loves Christmas movies! After meeting a man with a similar love for Christmas, Holly decides that HER life deserves to be as...
Curtains for Christmas
College athlete Kris McNeil, one of the only survivors of a series of murders committed two years prior at the hands of a masked slasher known as...
Massacre Academy