Lester and Humphrey are the Royal Jester and Doctor, respectively, in a Kingdom terrorized by a mysterious giant whose presence is known only by his...
Once Upon a Giant
In a special TV presentation of "Today's Special," Jodie, Muffy, and Sam prepare for a live theatre performance. However, Jeff faces a problem as his...
Today's Special: Live on Stage
Robert Ross (Brent Carver) lives a protected adolescence in a well-off Toronto suburb. Secretive and withdrawn, he shares his thoughts only with his...
The Wars
As played out by a theatre troupe, the last days of Jesus Christ are depicted from the perspective of Judas Iscariot, his betrayer. As Jesus'...
Jesus Christ Superstar
Brent Carver stars as the swashbuckling Pirate King in the famous Stratford Festival's rollicking production of the Gilbert & Sullivan classic that...
The Pirates of Penzance
A classic British pantomime version of the tale of Aladdin and the Lamp. The evil vizier Abanazar tries to manipulate Aladdin and his mother, Widow...
The Magic of Aladdin