This film tells the tale of the Harper Affair, in which young Jimmy Harper finds his life of promise turn into a life of debauchery and murder thanks...
Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical
When moving to a new town, Heidi and her kids discover a Christmas mystery with the help of the local handyman.
Mystery on Mistletoe Lane
Final Destination: Bloodlines
After death, everyone gets one week to choose where to spend eternity. For Joan, Larry, and Luke, it’s really a question of who to spend it...
After a car accident, Alison, a woman with a seemingly perfect life, begins to have visions that suggest she is not who she thinks she is.
Not My Life
"To Have and to Hold" centers on Alice who still can't believe her high school crush, the dashing, wealthy and successful Joe Chambers, would choose...
To Have and to Hold
Powered with incredible speed, Sonic The Hedgehog embraces his new home on Earth. That is, until Sonic sparks the attention of super-uncool evil...
Sonic the Hedgehog