Jonas Kaufmann and Anna Caterina Antonacci bring rare erotic intensity to the drama of Don José and Carmen in this darkly passionate reading...
The pain of unrequited love is portrayed unforgettably by two of today’s greatest stars. Renée Fleming is musically and dramatically...
Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin
Experience Claudio Monteverdi's three-act opera in the environment it was meant to be seen with this release of a filmed performance captured live...
L'Incoronazione di Poppea
Live performance from Opéra National de Lyon.
La vie parisienne
This ever-popular opera is given a fresh point of view in Barrie Kosky’s highly physical production, originally created for Frankfurt Opera....
A count has designs on his personal valet's fiancée and is determined to stop their wedding taking place. Meanwhile, the countess tries to...
The Marriage of Figaro - ROH
L'heure espagnole