A filmmaker hosts a series of segments while urging the audience to "judge for yourself what should be labeled obscene." Assorted "case studies"...
Mondo Porno
A booking agent named John investigates the murder of his sister, Gay. He interviews his friend, the owner of the strip club where sexually liberated...
Morning After...
A doctor outlines several cases involving sexual problems suffered by citizens of Scandinavia, and the cases are re-enacted for the education of the...
Sexual Customs in Scandinavia
After returning from a tour of duty in Vietnam, Peter experiences difficulties satisfying Rita in the bedroom. Hoping to rediscover their previous...
I Feel It Coming
Two college buddies, womanizing Ned, the host of a hit TV show called "Man of the World", and John, a family man and accounting exec at an ad...
A Time to Love
A black doctor ex-convict returns to the all-white town he knows as home and discovers a deadly disease threatening the citizens. He must fight...