This episode focuses on Zappa's early 70s albums, Overnight Sensation (1973) and Apostrophy (') (1974). Together they encapsulate Zappa's...
Classic Albums: Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (') Over-Nite Sensation
Utilizing potent TV interviews and many forgotten performances from his 30-year career, we are immersed into Frank Zappa’s world while...
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words
With the help of more than 10,000 dedicated Zappa fans, this is the long-awaited definitive documentary project of Alex Winter documenting the life...
The documentary examines Frank Zappa and his music through archive footage, including unique video excerpts from Austrian television archives...
A Life of Extravaganza - The Genius Frank Zappa
A wonderful jazz concert with Jean-Luc Ponty on the violin, Bireli Lagrène on the guitar and Kyle Eastwood on the bass. Biréli...
Trio Ponty Lagrène Eastwood au Festival Au Grès du Jazz
Return To Forever - The Mothership Returns
Guitarist Al di Meola, violinist Jean-Luc Ponty, and bassist Stanley Clarke, all of whom recorded numerous albums as leaders during the 1970s and...
Al Di Meola Jean-Luc Ponty Stanley Clarke Live at Montreux
Kosmische Brocken - Frank Zappa und die Deutschen
Frank Zappa - Over-Nite Sensation