Jason interviews Robin Haynes McCray, a woman who claims to be able to speak to Bigfoot through telepathic measures called Mindspeak. A unique...
Searching for Sasquatch: Bigfoot Mindspeak
Jason Kenzie joins the SheSquatchers and Chad Datema in the dark forests of Ohio to search for the elusive monster known as Grassman, a Bigfoot-like...
Searching For Sasquatch 8: Enter Ohio Grassman
Jason Kenzie and the Bigfoot group T.A.A.P.S. journey deep into the Colorado Rockies searching for evidence of these reclusive cryptids. The team...
Searching For Sasquatch 7: The Night Stalkers
Jason Kenzie goes back into the deep forests of British Columbia in search of the legendary Cryptid creature known as Sasquatch and as Bigfoot in the...
Searching for Sasquatch Chapter II The Watchers