As a solar storm unfolds, causing power surges and blackouts, a storm of emotions rages within Regina, a spinster referred to as Fräulein, when...
Fräulein - A Winter’s Tale
Das Märchen von der Prinzessin, die unbedingt in einem Märchen vorkommen wollte
Eleven-year-old outsider Stephan arrives at Castle Schreckenstein, an all-boys boarding school, where he learns about life within a community and...
Schreckenstein Castle
Two lifelong friends bond whilst vacationing in a luxury Swiss Alps lodge as they ponder retirement. While Fred has no plans to resume his musical...
In 1915, the First World War is in full swing and young men are called to military service in rows - including Franz and Peter. Both are sent to the...
Tears of the Sexten Dolomites
Schreckenstein Castle 2
Vienna, 1937, on the eve of the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany. The young and inexperienced Franz Huchel begins to learn about both the joys...
The Tobacconist