The story of a man who has a duty to pass on messages to four different eras (Stone Age/Ban Rachan Era/Tom Yum Kung Crisis/Future World Era). It...
Wan Khong Rao Young Yu It is Thongchai McIntyre's 10th Bird Bird Show concert, performed in 2012, celebrating 25 years of the show. Bird Bird Show is...
Babb Bird Bird Show #10/2012 Wan Khong Rao Young Yu
A student who can smell ghosts work together with a dead senior classmate to investigate a murder from 50 years ago.
At an old temple in the outskirts of the city, a terrifying legend persists to these days. It says that anyone who wants to be ordained to become a...
Pee Nak
Four songs from His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej's (also known as King Rama IX) royal songbook have now inspired four leading Thai directors to...