A musical-documentary film about five high school students from Koper who drove Yugoslavia crazy in the late 1960s. Despite a handful of their own...
Kameleoni - The Beatles of Former Yugoslavia
Eva is a widow bored with life, with her job as an architect, with her younger lover, and with her two teenage offspring. She is eventually assigned...
An educationalist - a 'thief of childhood' becomes alarmed over the inappropriateness of old, fairy tale stories for children. The old book like the...
Sophie the Witch
A tribute to the enduring representatives and all metal heads that left a mark on the Slovenian music scene in the '70s and '80s. Heavy metal in...
Iron Footsteps
Five members of Mladi levi, a legendary band from the 1960s and 1970s, decided after four decades to make a comeback. The film starts with the first...
The Young Lions: The Fullness of Time