Strange Parallel is a documentary/short film revolving around the American singer/songwriter Elliott Smith. The film features interviews with Elliott...
Strange Parallel
Live for NPR Music Front Row. 23rd February 2015, on the first night of a two-night gig at the 9:30 Club, Sleater-Kinney went all-in with its set...
Sleater-Kinney Live in DC
In this documentary from director Justin Mitchell, the world of the U.S. indie-music scene of the 1980s and '90s is explored, specifically with...
Songs for Cassavetes
This is the third in a film series produced by Fugazi's Brendan Canty and directed by filmmaker Christoph Green. It features live performances by The...
Burn to Shine - Vol. 3: Portland, OR 06.15.2005
One record producer, the creators of "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" and top indie rock artists come together to create a tribute album benefiting the...
Follow My Voice: With the Music of Hedwig
Making their first-ever ACL performance, Carrie Brownstein, Corin Tucker and Janet Weiss provided a setlist that spanned much of their discography....
Sleater-Kinney: Live from Austin, TX