Mišo sebepán
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
St. Peter's Umbrella
Pozor, ide Jozefína...
Dievča z jazera
Sedem svedkov
Zaujímaví muži
Tam za lesem
Zojka a Valerija
Sivá húska
Niet inej cesty
A man changes his behavior according to the term of the year.
The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora
An unusual children's film set during World War II in Czechoslovakia, this compelling drama unfolds five different segments that present the war...
The Song of the Grey Pigeon
Trápenia pána Leopolda
Fyzikus Rayman
Múdra Jana alebo 24 hodín zo života ženy
More v kvapke vody
Tank Brigade
Zajac na diaľnici
Smútok na rukáve
Neodchádzaj nocou letnou
As Good as Poison
A funny adventures of a group of boys during summer vacation.
In this bitingly satirical film Peter Slovan, a continuous source of trouble for the film functionaries of the socialist Slovakia, tackles an...
The Barnabás Kos Case
Cnostný Metod
Karhanova parta
Čierne ovce
Kozie mlieko
Mladé srdcia
Slovak movie is based on the novel by the prominent representative of Slovak prose František Hečka, who was in 1952 awarded the State...
The Wooden Village
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