Two twelve-year-old boys, Romeo and Gavin, undergo an extraordinary test of character and friendship when Morell, a naive but eccentric and dangerous...
A Room for Romeo Brass
Angela is insecure and gawky, overawed by her new job at an advertising agency. Her boss, Pam, is poised and sophisticated - the epitome of a...
Office Romances
A TV play by Graeme McCaig set amongst Blackpool's beach entertainers and starring Roy Kinnear
Kasper's Last Stand
A kilo of cocaine. Hardly what two small-time crooks were expecting to find when they broke into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion. But nor was...
Resnick: Rough Treatment
' I'd stake my reputation on it. These photographs are not faked.' But how could photographs, taken on a simple camera by two Yorkshire village...