Six months after the events of "The Revelations of Gavin Grey", Ricky finds himself dealing with the consequences of his brother's actions in ways he...
The Redemption of Ricky Grey
A caricature artist's world is upended when an abstract artist starts working in his park.
Caricature Carl
A short film about a teenage boy named Gavin Grey, who has a big secret and throughout the course of a family dinner, gets unexpectedly unveiled.
The Revelations of Gavin Grey
Dylan, a girl who can't stand the sound of chewing navigates a world of messy eaters until she is pushed over the edge.
The Chewing
A mother and son cook on Christmas, which sparks a memory of holiday's past.
The consequences of a groundbreaking scientific discovery unfold as a fateful and unsettling discussion takes place between two scientists on a smoke...
Raw Data
The death of their son, Gavin, has caused turmoil for Alice and Olivia as one confronts her past and the other has a hard time letting go.
The Reclamation of Alice and Olivia Grey