A suspense thriller set in the world of small town church politics, Dangerous Calling follows the story of Pastor Evan Burke and his wife Nora as...
Dangerous Calling
Slowed by age and failing eyesight, crack baseball scout Gus Lobel takes his grown daughter along as he checks out the final prospect of his career....
Trouble with the Curve
Life does a 180-degree turn for bitter spinster Lettie (Mary Tyler Moore) when she takes in her 9-year-old grandniece, Travis (Holliston Coleman), in...
Miss Lettie and Me
Earl Stone, a man in his eighties, is broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business when he is offered a job that simply requires him to...
The Mule
When relationship advice columnist Amalie Hess receives an unsigned love letter in a Christmas card, she returns to her hometown to solve the mystery...
Christmas Love Letter