The two messengers, Hong Gu and Lushui, were assigned the task of secretly protecting the delivery team of the imperial court's disaster relief cash...
Heroine in Red
The unemployed Yin Yin, in the unintentional pit of the good brothers and the crazy chasing of the black road dragon brother, accidentally sneaked...
Double Shadow
After completing his training, an elite young assassin embarks on his first mission and is quickly ensnared in an intricate plot laid by powerful...
Song of the Assassins
When an investigation financed by a wealthy businessman is about to end the operation of a dangerous drug cartel, his daughter and a brave soldier...
Speed Rescue
A man looking for the release of a long-time prisoner takes a police officer, his daughter, and a group of strangers hostage.
Police Story: Lockdown
Time Raiders is based on the online novel series Daomu Biji written by Xu Lei. It tells the story of explorers searching for the secrets of...
Time Raiders
Fifth chapter of another version "Journey to the West". With Jack Tu as Sun Wukong and two singers from SH48, girl-band from Shanghai.
Dream Journey 5: Legendary Treasure
The story of a farmer forced into conscription, who has been looking to get out of the army ever since. His great chance arrives when he stumbles...
Little Big Soldier
A mysterious warrior teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel brother, who seeks their deaths.