Summer begins, Aku graduates high school and faces a great emptiness. As his girlfriend, parents and friends all leave the city, it looks to be the...
During the final years of the World War II, Finnish sergeant Myllykoski and his fellow soldiers are forced to join the notorious Waffen-SS on a...
The Chalice of Blood
Tokio Baby is a story about 15-year-old Saara whose fate is to be stuck on her parents' farm. She can only dream of an escape from the idyllic...
Tokio Baby
Sulo, a lonely artist, lives in the countryside. One day as he is going to see his ex-girlfriend, he meets a girl with a trailer full of cardboard...
Wolf Carver
When three hoodlums attack a lonely woman, they get a fatal surprise when their "easy prey" has something else in mind.
Prey. Kill. Fuck. Repeat