A story of incomprehensible abuse delivered by an explosively violent mother of four. Journey through the mind of a child that experiences a living...
The Afflicted
Set in the 1960s, a young photographer becomes obsessed photographing a grieving man - the man that holds the truth to her brother's murder. She...
Thong Girl must defeat the evil Electar, who is bent on destroying Music City with his new form of volatile electricity, while facing her own...
Thong Girl 4: The Body Electric
Officer Eva Minors goes on a routine patrol that quickly becomes more than she bargained for.
A family struggles with tough economic times on the verge of Christmas Eve.
A Little Christmas
An observational documentary chronicling the production of a short film called "Twenty Bucks", made by the eccentric creative Tommy Barnes, a...
Still Rolling
John and William Bell find an ancient burial site and bring a cursed spirit home with them. The spirit is enraged by the love between their sister...
Bell Witch: The Movie
Dr. Gangrene hosts 4 tales of terror in this horror anthology directed by Cameron McCasland
Tales From Parts Unknown
A suburban family traveling the backroads of the southeast in search of historic roadside attractions finds more than they bargained for when they...
Side Sho