The South African multi-award winning film about a young South African boy from the ghetto named Tsotsi, meaning Gangster. Tsotsi, who left home as a...
Amandla is an anti-apartheid resistance slogan and means power. Apartheid in South Africa is still in full force when, in 1987, the two brothers Impi...
Directed by Ian Gabriel, “Four Corners” revolves around a 13-year-old chess whiz drawn into the Cape Town’s well-known child-gang...
Four Corners
Two undercover agents sent to get rid of a rhino poaching syndicate, become the hunted after discovering that high ranking government officials are...
Red Cargo
A young refugee of the Sudanese Civil War who wins a lottery for relocation to the United States with three other lost boys. Encountering the modern...
The Good Lie
A disillusioned Johannesburg street thug rescues an orphaned child with uncontrollable supernatural powers. On the run, he must help the sickly boy...
The Gift
Inspired by the true story of Siseko Ntondini and Piers Cruickshanks, who together won gold in the 2014 Dusi, Beyond the River delivers a nail-biting...
Beyond the River
A special crimes investigator forms an unlikely bond with a serial killer to bring down a global child sex trafficking syndicate.
I Am All Girls