The film follows a day in the life of a troubled elderly gentleman facing fear of death and visions of his late father who he gets mixed up with his...
A desperate city slicker engineer cheats his way into a small farming community, pretending to know how to save them by re-financing their...
Polite People
Arnaldur, a 16-year-old boy living a normal teenager's life in Reykjavik. One day, coming home from school, he finds his brother in the bathtub,...
In the mid to late '90s, the Reykjavik crime and drug scene saw a drastic change from a relatively small and innocent world into a much more...
Black's Game
At a local party in the suburbs of Reykjavik, Hanna (19) and Jonas (20) escape into the laundry room to share an intimate moment, but when boundaries...
Thick Skin