Pau Preto
"ÉVORA" follows the story of António Évora, an actor retired due to a health condition. The longing and permanent absence from...
One night Jorge will meet with a Japanese industrialist, who will allow him to abandon his teaching position and resume his chemical work. However,...
Poor George
João is a writer who one day wakes up suffering from a bout of selective amnesia: he can't remember that he's gay. So he decides to reject his...
Inside Out
After being sentenced to community service, Sara begins working with Artur, a lonely septuagenarian in a wheelchair.
Orphan of the Past
"The Butterfly in the Cage" is a novel by Luís Filipe Costa adapted to film by the author, it follows the daily lives of several people...
A Borboleta na Gaiola
Are the Portuguese afraid of the changes after the Estado Novo dictatorship?
Jaz Morto e Arrefece