After an act of bullying sends Javier to the hospital, he begins experiencing visions that foresee glimpses of shocking murders at his school right...
Departing Seniors
Jonny Baptiste is a reckless teen sent to live with her estranged Aunt Hildie. On the event of her eighteenth birthday, she experiences a radical...
High school athlete Cyd Loughlin lives alone with her depressive father in South Carolina, perpetually longing to get away from it all. When her...
Princess Cyd
In the wake of a high school student's mysterious disappearance, a collective awakening seems to overcome the town's teenage girls, gathering in...
Knives and Skin
Anthony and his partner move into a loft in the now gentrified Cabrini-Green. After a chance encounter with an old-timer exposes Anthony to the true...
At a bustling food spot in Auburn Gresham, regulars eagerly await their orders when a customer and their toddler enter. The customer's curiosity...
Two friends living on the south side of Chicago find their friendship tested when one reveals a tightly-held secret.
A Real One