Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit...
The Faithful River
A descendant of a noble family takes the side of the proletariat, fighting against the mistreatment of factory owners and the oppresion from the Tsar...
Red Thorns
As every year, the celebration of All Saints Day brings Polish families together at the graves of their loved ones. On this special day Maria,...
All The Saints
A group of Polish boys is opposed to a German teacher who aims to Germanise the young men.
Jeśli serce masz bijące
WWII. Zyga, one of the Resistance soldiers in Kraków is arrested by Gestapo. Soon later the Germans make a number of other arrests and Zyga is...
Stajnia na Salvatorze
Bartłomiej, community elder and orator, must choose an appropriate successor, but finds difficulty in the aftermath of a local girl's tragic...
Witek runs after a train. Three variations follow on how such a seemingly banal incident could influence the rest of Witek's life.
Blind Chance
Skarb trzech łotrów
An engineer comes home from abroad to his waiting wife. After some time, his second wife, an Italian one, joins him. For a small town, such a...
Adam's Two Ribs
A pianist from Poland visits a town in West Germany and starts to remember details about her life during the war.
Meetings In The Dark
The story of a worker who was dismissed for inconvenience to management for making justified and necessary criticisms of the factory's operations.
Wolf Ticket
When the hot-dog vendor Kaj from the small town of Skælskør in Denmark turns 40, his friends take him on a trip to Poland, to a long...
The Birthday Trip
A famous surgeon is beaten by drunken bullies, loses his memory and cannot recollect who he was before. He gets to a village, lives in a not so well...
The Quack
An unknown man brings a wounded boy from a hospital and prompty walks away. The boy soon dies and the militia captain Budny begins an investigation,...
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