Lottery is the story of the friendship of two boys who grew up at the railway station. The tragedy unfolds as life and dreams unfold, centering on...
A film that unearths the day-to-day challenges of a sanitation and waste worker, and her unfettered ambition to reach her dreams.
The story revolves around a man named Azad. In the midst of his post-divorce depression, Azad contemplates suicide but is saved by Shyama during a...
Shyama Kabya
Truck Driver Samad meets a strange and mysterious character named Jamshed who claims to be from the future. As the story unfolds, Samad becomes more...
Dui Diner Duniya
10-year-old Jamal loves his carefree life with his mum in rural Bangladesh, until the day his childhood friend and playmate is forced to become a...
Kingdom of Clay Subjects
Dhaka Dream is a tale of convergence towards a city, named Dhaka, where a bunch of outlying people gather different experiences that derives from a...
Dhaka Dream