Batavia City, a beautiful city that can no longer be safely inhabited. Robbery, violence, and a variety of increasingly rampant criminality. In the...
This movie follows the story of Dutch East Indies' (now Indonesia) first indigenous bishop, Albertus Soegijapranata SJ, from his inauguration until...
Larasati tries to fulfill her deceased mother's last wish to deliver a box filled with letters from her past to an old guy living in Prague.
Letters from Prague
The story of a woman named Likas who gets special accomplishments and successes, as she holds fast to pledge to the three most important people in...
3 Nafas Likas
A scholar researches the historical significance of a house that serves as a free school in hopes of saving it from being demolished by a developer.
Ruma Maida
Shanty (Claudia Hidayat), a magazine journalist, proposed a coverage of Trisakti diamond which is discovered in the 60s, and now vanished. Dodo (Ba'i...
Jakarta Project
On the run, a couple finds a woman trapped in an abusive home. Now they face a choice: flee or fight for her freedom