“An Untitled Film” by George Alshevskij-Jones is a short documentary/visual essay about the struggles of moving to seek a better future...
"An Untitled Film" by George Alshevskij-Jones
In postwar Newquay, a Cornishman returns home to live with his childhood best friend. Upon arrival, he learns of her sudden death and is determined...
The Harder You Fall
Unable to conceive a child and without work, Tom and Poppy Webster achieve unexpected notoriety making homage shorts. Fame, however, is not the...
The Websters
On a late night, an arguing couple, three intoxicated men, a gaggle of girls and a drug-filled straggler scatter the streets in search of connection...
"The future you live in" is a short social commentary film created during my studies in the University of Plymouth in 2024. This is my view at the...
"The future you live in" by George Alshevskij-Jones
Open your mind to a different perspective. Take a moment to detach yourself from reality and imagine the mind as a 2D square in a 3D landscape, where...
"an inner feeling" | Short Film
An office worker, overwhelmed by the emptiness of modern life and fleeting connections, reflects on his isolation and replaceability. His inner...
"That's that" by George Alshevskij-Jones