In a village named Saroja town there are six men who formed the group six of Hell. They perform a variety of crimes such as looting, raping and...
Six Plunderers
Darus runs for his life when his wealthy and ambitious uncle tries to marry him off to Zarinah, the daughter of a bank manager. He refuses to wed the...
The compilation of P.Ramlee's greatest movie film.
P.Ramlee Characteristics
Saari a teacher in Ulu Klang school also play music at the Copacabana Nite Club because of his love for music. This led him back to his room on late...
Masam-Masam Manis
Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his...
Do Re Mi
Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of...
Nasib Do Re Mi
Keluarga 69 is a classic family comedy that is about wealth and reputation. Osman was driven out by his unscrupulous father but with a twist of fate...
Keluarga 69
The story revolves around a poor but honest cobbler, Sabarudin, who is influenced by a friend that honesty does not pay. He later claims himself as a...
Sabarudin Tukang Kasut
Kamal, Azman, Bakhtiar and Tijah are the children of Musyid the wealthy businessman. Kamal normally spends most of his time drawing portraits. One...
Si Luncai is known as a village idiot but he have a heart of gold. He fall in love with the head of chief daughter but need to face a few challenges...
Si Luncai
Although regarded as the Beast and jinxed, but in Leman heart embedded values of good such as can stand animal been tortured and very helpful. Even...
Dajal Suchi
This film is about a blind malay warrior journey in finding justice but at the same time he himself become unstable with inner conflict. This is a...
Si Buta
Gelora is a story of promiscuities between Rizman, his girlfriend Ruby and Rima (Ruby's mother).