A film noir evocative Caribbean drama set in 1953 in the Dominican Republic during the cruel dictatorship of Leonidas Trujillo. After a group of...
A State of Madness
A young team goes in search of the fugitive drug-trafficking accomplice Sobeida Félix Morel, hoping to get the reward of one million Dominican...
Un Millón por Sobeida
Three simultaneous stories of social inclusion, led by a single mother of two autistic teenagers, a marriage trying unsuccessfully to have a child,...
What I Feel For You
Based on a real story, this Dominican drama is an intriguing account of the murder of Amin Abel Hasbun, a brilliant student leader in the Dominican...
339 Amin Abel Hasbun: Memory of a Crime
A famous game show host is forced to reveal all his secrets on live TV, with his wife and children held hostage.
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