One of the earliest Iraqi films, the plot revolves around a young Iraqi man working as a writer who flees to Cairo after being accused of murdering...
A love story grows between Aliya and Eesaam, as Aliya is drawn to Eesaam and keeps her love secret. Eesaam reciprocates the same feelings, with...
Alya and Essam
A young singer is renowned and surrounded by admirers, but despite his success and numerous fans, he is not romantically involved with any of them....
Layla in Iraq
A simple family lives in Baghdad, led by a hardworking man named Sheikh Ali. He has a son named Abbas and a daughter named Najia. As Abbas matures,...
In a dramatic context, Rahoumi experiences the final moments of his life as his life flashes before his eyes. He reminisces about his wife, who was...
The Final Farwell
Abu Sami and his son represent two completely different mindsets. The father clings to everything old-fashioned, while the young man tries to live...
Wish You The Best
The events take place between Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Chases and searches occur between the police and smugglers, where a group of villains stole...
The Head