SKYFISH GIRL is a 2021 documentary that follows the activities of the band PEDRO over a three-year period, beginning with Ayuni D's purchase of her...
Skyfish Girl -The Movie-
Documentary following the career of the Japanese band "Bloodthirsty Butchers".
Gimura, Zenji, Ryuhei, Kakuzaimo, and Bonzo form a punk band called The Armortellus, and they're about to get their chance to debut in the big city. ...
Pretty in Pink Flamingo
The last live performance of Number Girl's last tour, recorded on November 30, 2002 at Sapporo Penny Rain.
Sapporo Omoide In My Head Joutai
NUMBER GIRL live in Austin, TX for 1999 SXSW festival. Limited-edition DVD included with first pressing of Omoide in My Head 2 - Kiroku Series 1.
NUMBER GIRL 1999 US TOUR (Live at SXSW) Limited Edition DVD
Number Girl live in Shibuya
Recorded live at Toshiba EMI Studio in April 2001. This work was directed and edited by Shutoku Mukai, a vocalist and guitarist of Number Girl.
Sawayaka Na Ensou