The first stage adaptation of the "Kino no Tabi" (Kino's Journey) light novel series. We follow Kino as they travel through various countries on...
Kino no Tabi - the Beautiful World
It’s been roughly one year since Chuuya Nakahara joined the Port Mafia, and he’s determined to become an executive before fellow mafioso...
Bungo Stray Dogs on Stage: STORM BRINGER
Before he joined the Armed Detective Agency, Osamu Dazai was the youngest-ever executive with the Port Mafia, the most notorious underground crime...
Bungo Stray Dogs on Stage: Dark Era
Not long after Ougai Mori takes the reins of the Port Mafia, his right-hand man, Osamu Dazai, has a nasty run-in with a gravity manipulator named...
Bungo Stray Dogs on Stage: Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen