After four years overseas, Shozo returns to Japan to avenge his yakuza boss who was assassinated by his own treacherous top man, Kurawaki. The...
Yakuza Weapon
Yuichiro is a college student whose sister went missing 15 years ago. That traumatic event hangs over him like a pall as he wanders Japan's S&M...
A awkward burglar believes that he has taken control of a small roadside stand and the woman who runs it. She is in control most of the time, in love...
The Volatile Woman
When radicals from Japan's Red Army took a woman hostage in the resort town of Karuizawa, Nagano in 1972, Officer Atsuyuki Sassa was put in charge of...
The Choice of Hercules
Based on the novel by Osamu Dazai and distributed by ATG. The story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern...
New - No Longer Human
Hamaguchi Mika has been appointed to a matter that there are rumors that "Hanako-san are living" in the school. Mika doesn't know anything....
School Urban Legend: Toire no Hanako-san
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.
Raise the Castle!
Koike Minami returns from USA to Japan to accomplish her deceased twin sister's wish to win a competition and sing with Avril Lavigne on the stage in...
Make the Last Wish