Soichi is the heir to a major trading company, commonly known as Apollo. He is living an elegant life on a yacht when his mother-in-law offers him an...
Apollo My Love
A mysterious thief called "Yami no Kiba" (Fang of Darkness), who sneaks into the residences of the shogunate one after another and steals the...
The Shogun's Vault II
The men in prison are frustrated and in agony. It's difficult because the desires of these men are concentrated on just one man. A man raped in the...
Man in Full Swing
Follows men who ride bicycles and a shopkeeper, known as the master, who lent small amounts of money to the young people who frequented his shop, and...
Sakairi Shozo, the owner of a gay bar called "Miyoshi", is dumped by handsome student Seijuro. This student also steals the title deed to the gay bar...
Goodbye Anniversary