Max, a young boy, is held captive in a research facility, who uses his ability to create spacetime rifts between parallel universes, searching for...
Max Beyond
Francesca and Joe are astronauts who've become lovers. Bunkered up in their little spaceship, Earth is a distant reality, everything they want is...
113 Degrees
Samurai student film.
The Final Draw
1935 Los Angeles, community leader Sei Fujii uncovers the corrupt activities of his community's underground mafia. He must choose between saving the...
Lil Tokyo Reporter
A group of mercenaries hired as contract killers are hunted down by the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Russian Mob, and the Tongs all at once.
Syndicate Smasher
Marvin Fields is caught up with challenges and obstacles. On the verge of losing his family, he has to step up and face his adversaries. Marvin tries...
In the Cage