The film follows a day in the life of a troubled elderly gentleman facing fear of death and visions of his late father who he gets mixed up with his...
The village is brimming with stories and if you listen closely it might tell you a few. Perhaps the one about the businessman who dreams in Latin, or...
Summerlight and Then Comes The Night
The story revolves around the seacaptain Valdimar who marries Unnur, but on the night of their wedding strange things start to happen which leads...
In the Arm of the Sea
The film chronicles a long-ago time when men relied not on their intellect to make points, but on their swords. A mythical warrior ('Ralf Moeller...
The Viking Sagas
A widowed farmer begins a new life on her own terms by fighting against corruption and injustice in her community.
The County
At a local party in the suburbs of Reykjavik, Hanna (19) and Jonas (20) escape into the laundry room to share an intimate moment, but when boundaries...
Thick Skin
A man's shoe gets stuck under a car in a parking lot.
Excuse me
María has fled her home of Germany in the wake of the aftermath of the second world war and comes to Iceland to work on a farm.
Anya follows her father's footsteps in sled dog racing. In Finland, she enters his last race but her lead dog is injured. Teaming with Cole's dog,...
The Finnish Line