This film tells the story of two friends, Jack and Jock, with their principle: "life is a series of games and challenges". The challenge is...
Liking Each Other
The story of siblings Ria (Deasy Ratnasari) and Rudi (Johan Saimima), who, along with Rudi’s wife Henny (Alba Fuad), kill their aunt Emma...
Midnight Thunder
A young martial arts master sets out on a quest to find his missing parents and brother.
Devil's Kick
Special Silencers are large red pills, obtained from a forest dwelling mystic, which aid in meditation. However, if used by the untrained they cause...
Special Silencers
Dedi and Beno are two unemployed scholars. Incidentally there is a job opening as a morgue guard. Dedi could accept the job, but not for Beno. He's...
Setannya Kok Masih Ada
A security specialist is hired to deliver a valuable computer. She is joined by her former lover who has plans of his own for the computer.
Angel Of Fury
Peter Goldson, aka The Stabilizer, searches for drug smuggler Greg Rainmaker. Rainmaker killed Goldson's fiancee by kicking her with his spiked...
The Stabilizer